Tell Him

Tell him, tell him how you feel.

Put your glass heart in his hands and let him choose what to do with it.

I can imagine what will happen.

and I know that I am at least 99.99 percent sure

he will take it and break it all in one shot and

then as its on the floor I'll remember the other 1 hundred time I sat on the floor numb because my heart was broken

and took out the glue and calmly tried to pick up the pieces and put them back together again

but i feel this time I might be more like Humpty Dumpty who sadly couldnt be put back together again even with help.

And if my heart is put back together.

It may never be back to normal already bitter from the other 100 times. The 101st time it might never completely heal.

So maybe ill save my glass heart for someone else*

* added that last part real quick because the original became too personal..